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How Long Does Cocaine Stay Detectable In Urine Drug Tests?

How Long Does Cocaine Stay Detectable In Urine Drug Tests?

Cocaine is a drug that almost five million Americans use. With over 24 thousand overdose deaths contributed to cocaine in 2021, the need to understand how this drug interacts with the human body is crucial.

If you’re an active user of this drug or have a loved one who’s using it, knowing how it interacts with the body is crucial. Current drug testing methods can leave you asking, how long does cocaine stay in urine?

Most commonly, you’ll hear it takes three days for cocaine to leave your urine, but that’s not the most accurate information. There are factors that might change this timeframe. Let’s go into more detail.

What is a Drug’s Half-Life, and How Does It Affect Drug Tests?

A drug’s half-life is simply how fast it takes the human body to process and eliminate half of the drug’s compounds. By knowing this number, you can estimate how long a drug might stay in your system.

Cocaine has a very short half-life of 60 mins. That means it takes the body around an hour to absorb the cocaine. For people who use cocaine on a regular basis, the half-life could be extended.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay in the Urine?

Urine analysis drug panels are the most common form of testing methods for recent cocaine use detection. If you or a loved one are facing possible drug testing, it’s important to know how quickly one needs to be tested in order to find cocaine.

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The general rule of thumb is that cocaine can be found in the urine for up to three days, or more accurately, 72 hours. However, there are factors that change the detection time:

How much cocaine was taken?

The more cocaine that is done during a short period can change the length of detection time. If a user consumes a lot of cocaine, they may have a longer window than 72 hours. Or, if they take a very small amount, they may have a shorter window.

Does the person use cocaine regularly?

If the user does it on a regular basis, they will have cocaine in their urine for longer. The continual use allows the drug to build up in the system before your body has a chance to eliminate it all.

Is the cocaine not pure and filled with impurities?

Sometimes, cocaine will have other powders added to it to add weight. These impurities will sometimes cause someone to test for a different drug. They can also extend how long cocaine stays in urine.

Has alcohol been consumed at the same time?

It’s been found that cocaine is eliminated from the body up to 20% slower than normal. Along with having extremely dangerous reactions like your pulse rate increasing, cocaine will stay in your urine for much longer than usual.

Other Drug Testing Methods Available for Cocaine

There are other available drug panels available other than urine tests.

Blood Test: There are available blood tests for cocaine, but they are used less than urine tests. This is because cocaine leaves the blood faster than it does urine. With a blood test, you can only detect cocaine use for up to 48 hours.

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Saliva Test: Same with the blood tests, saliva tests only detect cocaine use for up to 48 hours. However, the saliva tests are convenient for on the go testing.

Hair Test: These types of tests are usually performed to find out if there is long-term cocaine use. A hair follicle test cannot tell you how recently someone has used cocaine, but it can give a history of how many times someone does the drug. In order to perform this test, a long enough hair sample will need to 

Cocaine By Itself Will Last for 72 Hours in the Urine

If you or a loved one are using pure cocaine on a recreational basis, most likely, cocaine will stay in your urine for up to 72 hours. But you now know how long does cocaine stay in urine when there are other factors involved. Alcohol can be the most dangerous combination, as it extends how long cocaine stays in your body and puts your heart at risk. With millions of users across America, it’s important to understand how this cocaine can affect the human body.

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