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Are Water Filter Pitchers Actually Better

Water filtration systems have become a top-notch choice for people who understand the importance of being clean and safe for maintaining overall health and well-being. There are a number of types of filtration systems available on the market, one of them are water filter pitchers.

These compact and portable filters are usually too affordable compared to other filters. However, due to low price and small size, household owners often start worrying whether they should invest in them or not.

If you have also found yourself in this sort of situation, then you have landed on the right website. In this blog post, we are going to explain whether water filter pitchers are actually better or not.

What are Water Filter Pitchers & How They Work?

As we already mentioned, water filter pitchers are small and portable systems that quickly and efficiently filter out a number of contaminants and impurities. And provide water that is of the highest quality.

When it comes to their filtration mechanism, they require the person to pour down onto the pitcher. The pitcher contains a filter cartridge that will effectively filter out contaminants from the water that is passing through it.


The contaminants or impurities that are removed usually include:

  • Chlorine
  • Bacteria
  • Sediment
  • Heavy metals

And many more.

The filtered water is collected in the reservoir of the pitcher, ready for consumption.

Are Water Filter Pitchers Actually Better?

In order to provide a suitable answer to this, we are going to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages pitcher filters have. So, let’s start with the advantages first.

Major Advantages of Water Pitcher Filters Over Other Systems

There are multiple advantages that give pitcher filters an edge over other systems.

  1. Maximum Convenience & Simple to Use

Pitchers filters are the most user-friendly systems, this is because they require zero installation and plumbing modifications.

Instead, they just require the users to pour water into their top pitcher. After doing so, the filtration process will automatically result in completely safe and clean water. This simplicity of use makes them ideal for every individual, including the ones who have zero technical knowledge.

  1. Highly Cost-Effective:

Apart from being convenient and easy to use, these filtration systems are also highly affordable as compared to under-sink, reverse osmosis, and others. Apart from low purchasing costs, ongoing maintenance, such as the replacement of filter cartridges or pitcher filters, is also usually lower.

The cost-effectiveness makes these systems a highly attractive option for household owners who are quite conscious about the budget.

  1. Portability & Ease of Storage:

Filter pitchers are also small in terms of size, which makes them highly portable. This means you can carry them with you while on the go. Additionally, the compact design also makes them an ideal option for various home settings such as kitchens, drying rooms, offices, and many more.

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When it comes to storage, a filter pitcher can be easily stored in a refrigerator, giving you the opportunity to enjoy chilled purified water any time in the hot weather.

  1. Contributes to Environment Stability:

A water filter pitcher can play a key role in environmental stability by reducing the consumption of single-use plastic water bottles. This way, it can help in minimizing plastic wastage, which has become a concern a real concern for the globe.

Moreover, the filter will also help reduce the carbon footprint that is associated with the production of plastic water bottles.

So, these are some of the major benefits (apart from the last one, which is common for systems) that water pitcher filtration systems have over other filters.

A few Disadvantages of Water Filter Pitchers

Apart from the advantages, these systems also have some downsides as well, which we have discussed in the section below.

  1. Limited Filtration Capacity:

Due to their small size, these filters have limited filtration capacity. This means that if you have a household with a number of persons, then going with these may not be a suitable option.

Whereas, if you are only one or a maximum of two people in the house or apartment, then pitcher filters can be good.

  1. Slow Filtration Rate:

Apart from having limited filtration capacity, these pitcher filters also have a slow filtration rate as compared to other systems. This is so because, you will have to wait until all the flows through the cartridge filter.

While investing your valuable money in it, it would be good to closely review both its benefits and downsides.

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Now, you are familiar with both these good and bad sides. We think it will become quite easy for you to decide whether these filter pitchers can be a good option for you or not.

If you want our opinion, then we think if you have low water requirements, a small space, and a budget as well, then pitcher filters can be a perfect option.

 Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of water pitcher filters eliminate?

They eliminate a number of contaminants from the water including chemicals, bacteria, heavy metals, and many more. However, keep in mind that the effectiveness will vary depending on the quality of the filter.

Do pitcher filters also contribute to enhancing taste & smell?

Yes, by removing microorganisms and other toxic molecules, this filtration system can also enhance the overall taste and odor, making it refreshing and joyful to drink.

How often is it recommended to maintain the pitcher filter?

However, the answer to this question depends on the manufacturer’s guidelines. But generally speaking, it is recommended to maintain like replacing the filter cartridge of your pitcher system every two 2-3 months. Doing so ensures that the system is operating at its full potential.

Are filter pitchers the most affordable filters on the market?

You can say that, these are considered one of the most cost-effective filtration systems in the market right now.

Final Thoughts

People have started utilizing water filters to ensure maximum safety of their water. One of the popular types that is being used nowadays is filter pitchers. However, there are still some people who still have concerns regarding their worthiness. So, in this article, we have discussed both the good and bad sides of these filters, so that you can better determine whether they are good or not. 

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