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Essential Tips in Choosing A Modular Exhibition Stands As A Sustainable Solution for Businesses

Essential Tips in Choosing A Modular Exhibition Stands As A Sustainable Solution for Businesses

Modular exhibition stands are displays designed with flexible segments that lock together to construct a full exhibition structure. What sets them apart from their counterparts is the fact that they can be broken down and reconfigured into different shapes and sizes depending on the application and the venue. As you might expect, this is the biggest benefit of modular exhibition stands. You’ll get lots of options with one investment. Something else to note is that they’re easy to move around. And not just that. They’re also a sustainable option for businesses as they can be repaired and reused quickly. Remember also that these stands are made with sustainable materials.

Tips for choosing a modular exhibition stand

Modular exhibition stands are a worthwhile investment, but they’re also not cheap. That’s why you’ll need to do thorough research before making the purchase. So, what exactly do you need to consider when shopping for these products? Read on to find out.

Check the material

Before anything else, you’ll need to check the material used to make the stand. Remember that these products are meant to be sustainable, so using environmentally friendly materials (reusable) is a must. Aside from sustainability, you’ll also need to check the quality of the material. With high-quality materials, you’re guaranteed that the stand will last for a long time and can be reused. Issues like broken parts and faded fabrics will be avoided with quality materials. It’s also prudent to get a stand with parts that can be replaced individually. This makes it unnecessary to replace the entire stand when one part gets damaged. Just replace the broken part and carry on with your displays.

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What size do you need?

Something you’ll like about modular stands is the fact that they can adjust to different sizes. Want a smaller one? Just collapse it. Similarly, you can expand it if you’re looking for a larger one. That said, there are limits to how much you can expand or collapse these products. That’s why it’s important to check the size of the stand you’re buying.

Which types of modular stands do you want?

Do you know that there are several types of modular stands? This means that when you plan to purchase one, you will have to pick one type. It helps to know what types are available and their differences so you can make an informed decision. The types of modular stands are:

• Pop-ups and banners – These are ones where pop-ups and banners are joined together to form a stand. While they are a simple display solution and substantial, they take longer to assemble.

• Basic modular display stands- These ones allow for flexibility, are easy to assemble, and low budget. However, they do not have a full range of structural abilities and they don’t stand out.

• Custom modular stands- These ones are custom-designed for a specific business. They are creative and attractive, they stand out, and they come with a range of features like lighting, depending on the design. However, they are expensive.

• Fabric modular stands – They come with rectangular or square aluminum frames with a graphic fitted across the frame. They are reusable. However, they often come in large sizes, which limits their modularity.

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• Shell scheme panels – These ones can be reused for different exhibitions. They come with shell panels, which limits their modularity.

How is the stand assembled?

As mentioned earlier, modular exhibition stands are meant to be reused often. So, you’ll need to find one that can easily be assembled, taken apart, and reassembled. The easiest way to assemble these stands is to enlist the services of professionals. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it yourself with a little practice. To make your work easier, you should go for modular stands that are designed for simple assembly. It’s a wise idea to ask the seller to demonstrate the assembling process so that you know what to expect. Getting a demonstration will also give you a clue on what tools you might need to fix the stand.

How easy is it to maintain and care for?

Again, these stands are meant to be reused often. That means care and maintenance will be crucial. The ease of care will vary depending on several factors, the most important being the material and design of the stand. Take the opportunity to ask the seller what you would need to do to ensure the stand lasts for a long time.


When choosing a modular exhibition stand, you should consider a few factors. These include the materials used in its construction, the size of the stand, the type of stand, and how easy it is to assemble. Check also the ease of maintenance. On top of these, make sure you consider the cost of the product.

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